The Secret Life of Plants

16th Oct –
9th Nov 2024

OPENING EVENT: Wednesday 16th October, 5.30-7.30pm

The Secret Life of Plants borrows its title from the book of the same name written in 1973 by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird which documents controversial experiments that claim to reveal unusual phenomena associated with plants, such as plant sentience and the ability of plants to communicate with other creatures, including humans.

With the climate rapidly changing and a more conscious look at the natural world, such claims are maybe not quite as far-fetched as they seemed fifty years ago.  There is growing interest and research into the interconnectedness of the natural world and perhaps we are coming full circle with a return to “witchcraft” as it was originally known.

In this exhibition, artists embrace “the secret life of plants” within their practises with works exploring ideas of mysticism, healing, growth and spirituality.  

Artists include Rosa Allison, Georgia Arnold, Heidi Brickell, Ruth Ige, Tessa Laird, Ann Shelton and Sarah Smuts-Kennedy.

Image: Rosa Allison