Melanie Roger Gallery | Best Design Awards Finalist
We are pleased to announce that the Melanie Roger Gallery website is a finalist in the small scale websites category of the prestigious Best Design Awards. Developed by Christchurch based SONS & CO. the website has been getting strong visitor traffic and critical acclaim since it relaunched in early 2013.
Gallery director Melanie Roger says - "We wanted a site that was user friendly and accesible without dumbing down the experience of viewing art. We have included a lot of reference material for each artist so that it is a useful research tool for collectors as well as curators and students. Presenting strong images was obviously important to us as an art gallery and although we don't sell work directly from the site (a considered decision), it has generated considerable business since the relaunch."
An initiative of The Designers Institute of New Zealand, The Best Design Awards is the annual showcase of excellence in graphic, spatial, product and interactive design. Entries judged Best in each category are awarded the Gold Pin, whilst the very best project in each discipline will be awarded the supreme, Purple Pin for work that raises the bar of New Zealand design.
The winners will be announced 11 October. We're pretty damn excited about this. Fingers crossed!
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