RICHARD ORJIS | The Ark: Garden Cities of Tomorrow | Sarjeant Gallery
RICHARD ORJIS exhibits new work as a solo project "The Ark: Garden Cities of Tomorrow" from 28 February - 24 May 2015 at the Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui. The exhibition is a culmination of Orjis' recent interests in sustainability and the land and follows on from his three month residency in Whanganui as the Tylee Cottage Artist in Residence for 2014.
The work is based on Orjis' research into the garden suburbs of Durie Hill which were originally developed by Samuel Hurst Seager – a leading NZ architect and town planner who believed that the suburb should cater for a range of people with varying incomes and that the sections should vary in size and that the suburb should provide other amenities as well – gardens, playgrounds etc.
There is a catalogue published which features an interview between the artist and curator Greg Donson and gives insight intot he exhibition and Orjis' current practice. Orjis is exploring both the history as well as looking forward - particularly relevant in our current socio-economic climate and the conversations surrounding housing in New Zealand.
To enquire:
Richard Orjis will exhibit this work at Melanie Roger Gallery in August 2015.