Emma Fitts | McCahon House Residency Announcement
Congratulations to EMMA FITTS who has been selected as a 2018 artist in residence at McCahon House. The highly sought after McCahon House Artists’ Residency, named Parehuia by local kaumatua Eru Thompson in 2008, is amongst the most prestigious artists’ residencies in New Zealand. Three residencies a year, each of three months duration, are available to outstanding mid career artists. Artists receiving the residency live and work in the purpose built French Bay house with attached studio.
For the residency, Fitts has proposed an exploration into the work and life of Anne and Colin McCahon – an insight into the intersection of their personal space and domestic history together with McCahon’s, celebrated artistic output.
In recent years there has been renewed interest in the work of Anne McCahon with the exhibition “A Table of One’s Own: The Creative Life of Anne McCahon” at Te Uru 2016 – 2017 gaining wide interest and opening up discussion around women in the arts. Fitts aims to build on this local dialogue as part of a wider conversation as well as incorporating research into architecture and textiles – part of her ongoing practise.
To enquire about works by EMMA FITTS: info@melanierogergallery.com