Gavin Hurley
Neatness / Disarray
29th Jun –
23rd Jul
New paintings and collages by GAVIN HURLEY continue his exploration of the dawn of the computer age, a bygone era of clunky machinery and wearers of suits. Next to his paintings, Hurley continues his trademark use of collage as a medium with works individually rendered in found materials.
With a wry sense of humour and his own unique visual language, Hurley imagines places with and without their occupants. What is left behind is the detritus of humanity, elements of nature encroach amidst the disarray in stark contrast to the neat and slick working counterparts.
Once the diligent workers have vanished, their machines lie silent. What remains are twisting vines, rats and mice, empty glasses, upturned furniture and scattered rubbish...
Location & Hours.
Opening Images
Opening night images by Arts Diary.