Robin Neate
Show Me Something Quieter
21st Sep –
15th Oct
Recent work by Christchurch based painter ROBIN NEATE as part of ART WEEK 2016.
"My work often involves styalistic shifts. I've never really pursued nor sought to establish a signature style. I've never even been sure what a series of paintings will look like until I've finished them....I put down the colours and shapes and suggestion of space or form in a certain order yet I can't precisely retrace what that order is. Still, for each painting I know when they feel right or calculatedly wrong or when all probably configurations have been exhausted..."
This will be Neate's first exhibition will Melanie Roger Gallery and will coincide with the launch of the accompanying exhibition publication "Show Me Something Quieter" published by Greenstreet Publishing.
Location & Hours.
Opening Images
Opening images by Arts Diary.